Why Are Veneers More Expensive Than Crowns?

Have you ever wondered why dental veneers are more expensive than crowns? Here is a breakdown of the cost for each treatment.
Dental Veneers available at Advanced Smiles Marion
September 1, 2022

Did you know that around 50% of the American population drinks coffee? Coffee sales increase by 20% each year! Unfortunately, your daily caffeine kick may be wreaking havoc on your teeth. 

Coffee and tea are two drinks that can cause stained teeth or tooth discoloration. When your smile starts faltering, or you have noticed gaps, chips, or cracks, you may wonder if dental veneers or crowns are right for you.

On average, dental veneers may cost you more but can give you a natural-looking smile. Luckily, we have a complete guide that will break down the differences between crowns and veneers and their average costs. Keep reading on for more information!

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown or tooth cap is a dental restoration procedure. They are used for repairing damaged, chipped, or decayed teeth. In some instances, patients may use dental crowns as a cosmetic procedure to mask discoloration. 

Dental crowns also support bridges or dentures and are made of several different types of materials. The most commonly used material is zirconia porcelain. They are one of the strongest materials, ensuring your crown lasts for years. 

Other crown types include:

  • Ceramic
  • Glass
  • Gold-alloy
  • Zirconia


The benefit of choosing Advanced Smiles in Marion, Ohio is that we specialize in high-quality dental crowns that can last a lifetime. They are highly durable and only take one appointment because of our on-site laboratory and advanced technology.. 

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are natural-looking shells placed on the outside of your tooth. They are often used as a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of your tooth. However, like dental crowns, a family dental care clinic like ours may also use veneers for chipped, cracked, or uneven teeth. 

Typically, patients opt for a series of veneers to ensure that all their front-showing teeth match when they smile or talk. It is not uncommon that a person may receive eight to ten veneers in these instances. There are two primary types of dental veneers:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Composite dental veneers

You may also hear the latter term called composite resin veneers. The two differ in longevity, cost, and application difficulty. For example, composite dental veneers require less tooth removal but do not last nearly as long as porcelain veneers.. 

They are usually easier to fix but do not last as long as porcelain veneers and are more prone to breaking. Contrarily, porcelain veneers are highly durable, lasting upwards of ten years or longer, but require multiple dental visits and higher costs. 

Dental Crowns vs Veneers Cost

There are a couple of reasons why dental veneers cost more than crowns. First, patients usually need more than one dental veneer to match their smile. 

The more teeth impacted by dental veneers or crowns will raise the final price. Compared tooth for tooth, the price may average close to the same (depending on the clinic). However, the final price is usually where they differ. 

Veneers are more often used for cosmetic purposes, which could also limit insurance coverage and increase out-of-pocket expenses.Additionally, they take around four weeks to complete, meaning you will have other dental visit expenses. Crowns will often be covered by insurance since they are not typically a cosmetic procedure. 

Most insurance coverage will account for approximately 50% of the procedural expenses. 

Are Dental Implants Similar?

Dental implants are entirely different from crowns or veneers. A dental implant replaces a missing tooth, whether from gum disease, injury, or decay. 

Dental implants are drilled directly into your jawbone, using advanced dentistry techniques for long-lasting results that can improve chewing, speech, and prevent further tooth decay. After placing the implant and screw, a dental crown is used over the top for a natural tooth appearance. 

Dental Bonding vs. Crowns or Veneers 

Our Dental bonding process applies resin on the outside of your tooth to help restore or rejuvenate your smile. It is less invasive than crowns or veneers and more cost-friendly.  

However, it likely won't last as long as crowns or porcelain veneers and will need to be replaced. It is also used for more minor changes, such as closing small gaps or fixing discoloration. Dental bonding is not as strong as your tooth's enamel and is more prone to chips or cracks. 

The resin application won't damage your tooth, and you can be in and out of the clinic in just one visit. Dental bonding is ideal for patients who want minor changes without undergoing the more permanent tooth enamel changes required for crowns or veneers. 

Do You Need Dental Veneers or Crowns?

Dental veneers and crowns are both excellent options for tooth restoration procedures. They are long-lasting results that can reshape and fix broken teeth for that award-winning smile you have been seeking. 

For more specific price estimates, contact Advanced Smiles today to schedule an appointment!

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